Title : Metaverse training program 5
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Terms & Conditions
Transfer IELTS Tests:
- Candidate must lodge a request for postponement IELTS test at least 5-weeks prior to the confirmed test date, otherwise, the full fee forfeited.
- If request for transfer of test date is logged within the 5-week period prior to the test date, the request is subject to approval by the Examination Manager. If approved, the candidate is required to pay AED 350 as administrative fee for the full process to be completed.
Cancellation IELTS Test :
- Candidate must lodge a request for cancellation at least 5-weeks prior to the confirmed test date, otherwise, the full fee is forfeited .
- Refund is subject to AED 350 administrative fee.
- To cancel your registration or transfer your test date if you are less than five weeks before your
test date, you must demonstrate that your ability to take the test has been affected by one of the
- Serious illness e.g. hospital admission or serious injury (does not include minor illnesses such as a cold)
- Loss of an immediate family member
- Hardship / trauma, victim of crime, victim of a traffic accident.
You should provide your application for cancellation or transfer of registration within five
working days of your written test date, along with evidence (including an official certified report) of
the exceptional circumstances (original documents, not copies).
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